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METSTRADE is the world's largest trade fair for equipment, materials, and systems for recreational....

Our team is ready for the 63rd Genoa International Boat Show from 21 to 26 September.

METSTRADE IS the world’s largest trade exhibition of leisure marine equipment, materials....

For over 30 years Tecnoseal has been present at the Genoa International Boat Show, whose 2022....

Il 2021 ci vede di nuovo presenziare ai principali eventi mondiali dedicati alla nautica e....

NACA family is growing! Tecnoseal is glad to announce that new products have been introduced....

Anche per il 2020 Tecnoseal ha preso parte come espositore al Salone Nautico Internazionale....

Tecnoseal is pleased to announce the arrival of the MY BOAT QR CODE. Born from the union between....

Production of sacrificial anodes in the leisure boat market, fishing, naval, port, industrial, and civil sectors.
Consultancy, Design, and installation of cathodic protection systems.
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